I chose this image because I think that it is the image that best represents dominance from the photos which I took during this lab. In my opinion the thing that stands out the most in this image is not only the emergency button, but mainly green colour around it.
This image was taken with the intention of implementing the negative space element of the exercise into this blog post. The idea behind this photo was to photograph the door and use the windows to allow the viewer of the image to try and fill in the gaps between and around the windows using their imagination. I don't think that I achieved this to the best of my ability but it is the best I could do with everything that I had to work with. This exercise definitely helped me understand the compositional trick of negative space.
I picked this image as an example balance, another compositional trick. I think that the big trees in the background and smaller subjects such as the two people walking and the benches bring balance to the image.
This is not an image that I was proud of at all when I took it. However, after reviewing the images which I had compiled from this, I came to the conclusion that this image is a good example colour, the next compositional trick which I was tasked to include in my photos for this lab. I took this with a low ISO of 100. I really like how the colours of all the different sweets stand put despite the rest of the image being so dark.
I chose this image because I think that it is a good example of leading lines in photography. The curve of the stairs leads from the bottom to the top of the image. I think that I managed to capture this concept quite well in this image. I like how the stairs are centred in the image, making them the main subject of the picture.
I picked this image because I think that it has a great sense of rhythm. I like how the poles on the right side of the image continue on into the background, almost as if they were never-ending.

Composition (lab 05)