For this lab, I only managed to complete 3 out of the 6 tasks which I was given to a level which I was happy with.

This image came as a result of me standing in one spot and just taking pictures of whatever is around me. I picked the middle of my college campus. I thought this was a good idea especially since this was on an open day. Thanks to this there were many things going on in the middle of the campus. I chose this image because I really like how the balloons in the top right of the image stand out. They give the image a main focus point.
This image was made when I gave myself one restriction. I decided to only shoot things which were located above me. I like the contrast between the lamp and the sky. Since the picture was taken during the day. I think it would be interesting to compare the same image at night as the sources of light would reverse.
This picture was created as a result of me choosing an object and placing it in a different corner of the frame for 4 different pictures. I decided to choose this photo because the attention is mainly focused on the object in the top right of the picture whereas the other phots that I took had people I the background for example.

Creative Lab Exercises (Lab06)