This image was taken by using a flash head attached to the top of my camera and pointing it at the ceiling. I learned that by doing this, you can remove any shadow in the image and only light up the subject.
In this image, I bounced the flash off a wall in order to simulate a window light coming in onto the side of the subjects face. I found this effect to be very useful as it can be used in situations where you may not have access to a natural source of light due to weather or if you are in a photography studio.
The goal of this image was to take a portrait flash shot with a hard shadow. Although it isn't very visible, the shadow can still be seen on each side of the subject behind the ear and on the opposite side as well.
This image was taken with the same background as the image above, but this time the flash head was facing more upwards in order to try and remove the shadow of the subject.

SEMESTER 2, LAB 03: Studio Photography: