This image was taken with a 1:1 ratio between the key and fill light. The meter read at F11 for both the key and the fill light for this image
This image was a 2:1 ratio, with the key light at F11 and the fill light moved 1 stop down to F8
This image was taken with a 4:1 ratio, with the key light still at F11 and the fill light moved down 2 stops to F5.6
This image was taken with an 8:1 ratio, with the key light staying at F11 and the fill light moving down 3 stops down to F4. A black band can be seen going across the bottom of the image. This was due to thee fact that I had set my shutter speed too high (1/250) and I did not notice it initially when I looked at the image on my camera screen. This was unfortunately the only image I managed to capture with an 8:1 ratio. This image was also (the only one) taken with a background light used.

SEMESTER 2, Lab 05: Studio Photography